School Fence Installation

Airedale Fencing Contractors are the number 1 fencing contractors in Yorkshire for school fence installation. These days, safety in schools is of primary concern.

An effective school security strategy can help prevent access from intruders, whilst also helping with school truancy. Whatever your needs, we have the experience to help.

Airedale offers a wide range of solutions to meet the needs of your school’s individual requirements.

We take the time to find out your needs before offering customised solutions for you. We promise never to have a one size fits all approach!

Safety is Key in School Fencing

With over 30 years experience in designing security systems for schools, Airedale Fencing, are well capable of delivering the perfect solution for schools in the Yorkshire area.

Rest assured that our service meets all current health & safety standards and we are proud to be certified contractors under the CHAS scheme for your peace of mind.

Crime Prevention in Schools

Unfortunately, today schools are prime targets for crime, especially the expensive equipment which schools often contain. This often attracts thieves and arsonists.

Our security systems can help prevent and/or deter such attacks. We have a range of controlled access systems, such as the ones pictured, to help make schools a safer place.

Experience & Expertise in School Fence Installations

Whatever your school fence requirements are, Airedale Fencing has the experience and expertise to meet your needs. And it’s all done with a smile, which comes free of charge!

Call 01274 964930 now to talk through our range of railings or any other fencing system